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Dataset { Float32 Dissolved_oxygen[time = 24][siglay = 1][node = 6106]; Int32 Itime[time = 24]; Int32 Itime2[time = 24]; Float32 Reduced_substances[time = 24][siglay = 1][node = 6106]; String Times[time = 24]; Float32 a1u[four = 4][nele = 11509]; Float32 a2u[four = 4][nele = 11509]; Float32 art1[node = 6106]; Float32 art2[node = 6106]; Float32 aw0[three = 3][nele = 11509]; Float32 awx[three = 3][nele = 11509]; Float32 awy[three = 3][nele = 11509]; Float32 h[node = 6106]; Float32 h_center[nele = 11509]; Int32 iint[time = 24]; Float32 lat[node = 6106]; Float32 latc[nele = 11509]; Float32 latent_heat_flux[time = 24][node = 6106]; Float32 lon[node = 6106]; Float32 lonc[nele = 11509]; Float32 long_wave[time = 24][node = 6106]; Int32 nbe[three = 3][nele = 11509]; Int32 nbsn[maxnode = 11][node = 6106]; Int32 nbve[maxelem = 9][node = 6106]; Int32 nprocs; Int32 ntsn[node = 6106]; Int32 ntve[node = 6106]; Int32 nv[three = 3][nele = 11509]; Int32 partition[nele = 11509]; Float32 sensible_heat_flux[time = 24][node = 6106]; Float32 siglay[siglay = 1][node = 6106]; Float32 siglay_center[siglay = 1][nele = 11509]; Float32 siglev[siglev = 21][node = 6106]; Float32 siglev_center[siglev = 21][nele = 11509]; Float32 temp[time = 24][siglay = 1][node = 6106]; Float32 time[time = 24]; Int32 wet_cells[time = 24][nele = 11509]; Int32 wet_cells_prev_ext[time = 24][nele = 11509]; Float32 x[node = 6106]; Float32 xc[nele = 11509]; Float32 y[node = 6106]; Float32 yc[nele = 11509]; Float32 zeta[time = 24][node = 6106]; } lehws/nowcast/;