What is your name? What is your email address? This dataset submission's timestamp is 2025-03-29T23:34:50-04:00.
Gridded Data ERDDAP can serve data from various types of data files (and from OPeNDAP servers like Hyrax, THREDDS, GrADS, ERDDAP) that contain multi-dimensional gridded data, for example, Level 3 sea surface temperature data (from a satellite) with three dimensions: [time][latitude][longitude].
The data for a gridded dataset can be stored in one file or many files (typically with one time point per file).
If your dataset is already served via an OPeNDAP server, skip this form and just email the dataset's OPeNDAP URL to the administrator of this ERDDAP (chris dot woelkers at noaa dot gov).
How is your gridded data stored? (No, I have tabular data.) .bufr files .grib files .hdf files .mat files .nc files (let's talk)
Tabular Data ERDDAP can also serve data that can be represented as a single, database-like table, where there is a column for each type of data and a row for each observation. This includes:
How is your tabular data stored? (No, I have gridded data.) .csv files database Excel files .hdf files .mat files .nc files (let's talk)
Frequency of Changes Some datasets get new data frequently. Some datasets will never be changed. How often will this data be changed? never rarely yearly monthly daily hourly every minute (irregularly) (let's talk)