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| ![]() Brought to you by NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes Node |
variableName | fullName |
airt | Air Temperature |
air_msu23 | MSU Air Temperature Channel 2/3 |
air_msu34 | MSU Air Temperature Channel 3/4 |
cdom | Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Material |
cfnlf | Cloud Forcing Net Longwave Flux |
cfnsf | Cloud Forcing Net Solar Flux |
chi | Velocity Potential |
cld | Fractional Cloudiness |
cldc | Cloudiness |
cog | Course Over Ground |
convt | Temperature Adjustment Due to Convection |
cprat | Convective Precipitation Rate |
csdlf | Clear Sky Downward Longwave Flux |
csdsf | Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux |
csulf | Clear Sky Upward Longwave Flux |
curltau | Curl of the Surface Wind Stress |
div | Divergence |
dlwrf | Downward Longwave Radiation Flux |
dswrf | Downward Solar Radiation Flux |
fricvel | Surface Friction Velocity Cubed |
gflux | Ground Heat Flux |
hflx | Heat flux |
hgt | Geopotential Height |
hgt_hgt | Mean Square Geopotential Height |
hicld | Composite Average of High Level Clouds |
hrc | Highly Reflective Clouds |
icec | Ice Concentration |
land | Land Mask |
lflx | Latent Heat Parameter |
lftx | Surface Lifted Index |
lftx4 | Best (4-layer) Lifted Index |
lhtfl | Latent Heat Net Flux |
lowcld | Composite Average of Low Level Clouds |
lsmask | Land/Sea Mask |
lwe | Liquid Water Equivalent |
midcld | Composite Average of Mid Level Clouds |
mldpd | Mixed Layer Depth via Potential Density |
mldpt | Mixed Layer Depth via Potential Temperature |
mslp | Mean Sea Level Pressure |
nbdsf | Near IR Beam Downward Solar Flux |
nddsf | Near IR Diffuse Downward Solar Flux |
nlwrs | Net Longwave Radiation at the Surface |
nobs | Number of Observations |
nswrs | Net Shortwave Radiation Flux |
nswrs | Shortwave Heat Flux at the Surface |
olr | Outgoing Longwave Radiation |
omega | Omega (dp/dt) |
omega_air | X-prod Air & Omega (dp/dt) |
omega_hgt | X-prod Omega (dp/dt) & Geo Height |
omega_omega | Mean Square Omega (dp/dt) |
omega_shum | X-prod Omega (dp/dt) & Specific Humidity |
omega_vair | X-prod Omega (dp/dt) & Virt Temp |
omega_vort | X-prod Omega (dp/dt) & Vorticity |
otemp | Ocean Temperature |
par | Photosynthetically Available Radiation |
pcpevp | Precipitation Minus Evaporation at the Surface |
pdsi | Palmer Drought Severity Index |
pevpr | Potential Evaporation Rate |
pic | Particulate Inorganic Carbon |
poc | Particulate Organic Carbon |
pottmp | Potential Temperature |
prate | Precipitation Rate |
prec | Precipitation |
precip | Precipitation |
pres | Pressure |
pr_wtr | Precipitable Water Content |
ps | Surface Pressure Variation |
pv | Potential Vorticity |
qao | Net Surface Heat Flux |
qlh | Latent Heat Flux |
qnet | Net Diabatic Heating |
qnetint | Vertically Integrated Net Diabaitic Heating |
qsat | Saturation Specific Humidity Relative to Surface Temperature |
qsfc | Specific Humidity at Sigma Level 0.9967 |
qsh | Sensible Heat Flux |
qsh | Sensible Heat Flux at the Surface |
qshqlh | Sensible + Latent Heat Flux |
qv | Transient Meridional Moisture Flux |
rad | Temperature Adjustment Due to Radiation |
relh | Relative Humidity |
rhosfc | Air Density at Sigma Level 0.9967 |
rhum | Relative humidity |
rot | Rate Of Turn |
runof | Water Runoff |
runoff | Water Runoff |
salt | Salinity |
sfcr | Surface Roughness |
sflx | Sensible Heat Parameter |
shtfl | Sensible Heat Net Flux |
shum | Specific Humidity |
shum_shum | Mean Square Specific Humidity |
skt | Skin Temperature |
slp | Sea Level Pressure |
smina | Sea-Air Temperature Difference |
snowcover | Extent of Snow Cover |
sog | Speed Over Ground |
soilw | Volumetric Soil Moisture |
spdsfc | Surface Wind Speed |
srfp | Surface Pressure |
srfpt | Surface Potential Temperature |
sst | Sea Surface Temperature |
stat | Static Stability |
swfx | Short Wave Heat flux |
tausfc | Surface Wind Stress |
taux | Zonal Component of Wind Stress |
tauy | Meridional Component of Wind Stress |
tc | Temperature Correction |
tcdc | Total Cloud Cover |
temp | Temperature |
thtasfc | Potential Temperature at Sigma Level 0.9967 |
thtasst | Potential Temperature at Skin Surface |
tmax | Maximum Temperature |
tmin | Minimum Temperature |
tmp | Temperature |
topo | Topology |
trpp | Tropopause Pressure |
trpt | Tropopause Temperature |
tv | Transient Meridional Heat Flux |
uairt | Eastward Sensible Heat Transport |
ucur | U Component of Ocean Current |
uflx | Momentum Flux, u-component |
ugwd | Zonal Gravity Wave Stress |
ulflx | Zonal Latent Heat |
ulwrf | Upward Longwave Radiation Flux |
upstr | u-wind PseudoStress |
uspeh | Eastward Latent Heat Transport |
ustr | u-wind Stress |
uswrf | Upward Solar Radiation Flux |
ut | Transient Zonal Heat Flux |
uu | Transient Zonal Flux of Zonal Momentum |
uv | Transient Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum |
uwnd | u-wind |
uwndsfc | u-wind |
uwnd_air | X-prod Air & u-wind |
uwnd_hgt | X-prod u-wind & Geo Height |
uwnd_omega | X-prod u-wind & Omega (dp/dt) |
uwnd_shum | X-prod u-wind & Spec Humidity |
uwnd_uwnd | Mean Square u-wind |
uwnd_vair | X-prod u-wind & Virt Temp |
uwnd_vort | X-prod u-wind & Vorticity |
uwnd_vwnd | X-prod u-wind & v-wind |
vair | Virtual Temperature |
vairt | Northward Sensible Heat Transport |
vair_vair | Mean Square Virtual Temperature |
vbdsf | Visible Beam Downward Solar Flux |
vcur | V Component of Ocean Current |
vddsf | Visible Diffuse Downward Solar Flux |
vflx | Momentum Flux, v-component |
vft | Temperature Adjustment Due to Vertical Diffusion |
vgwd | Meridional Gravity Wave Stress |
vlflx | Meridional Latent Heat Parameter |
vor | Relative Vorticity |
vort | Vorticity |
vort_vort | Mean Square Vorticity |
vpstr | v-wind Stress |
vspeh | Northward Latent Heat Transport |
vstr | v-wind Stress |
vt | Transient Meridional Heat Flux |
vv | Transient Meridional Flux of Meridional Momentum |
vwnd | v-wind |
vwndsfc | v-wind |
vwnd_air | X-prod Air & v-wind |
vwnd_hgt | X-prod v-wind & Geo Height |
vwnd_omega | X-prod v-wind & Omega (dp/dt) |
vwnd_shum | X-prod v-wind & Specific Humidity |
vwnd_vair | X-prod v-wind & Virt Temp |
vwnd_vort | X-prod v-wind & Vorticity |
vwnd_vwnd | Mean Square v-wind |
w | Vertical Velocity |
weasd | Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth |
wspd | Wind Speed |
wspd3 | Scalar Wind Speed Cubed |
wt | Transient Vertical Heat Flux |
wtmp | Water Temperature |